Rumor Roundup: Kim Kardashian Shares Selfie Secrets and The Christmas Cats TV Elf Shouts Out Bill Gates Teach me how to selfie Yes, it’s the word of the year, but a certain finesse is required when pulling By Molly Mulshine
Rumor Roundup: Ben Lerer Gets a Mandatory Surprise Birthday Party and Bill Clinton Makes an Accidental Coprophilia Joke Happy Birthday, Ben! CEBro of Thrillist Media Group Ben Lerer celebrated his birthday this week. His coworkers reminded him what a By The Editors
JackThreads Just Had Its Highest Sales Month Ever: ‘We Don’t Give the Store Away’ If there were a word cloud for recent ecommerce reports, it would be shaped like a mushroom cloud with “over-hyped” By Nitasha Tiku
Startup News: Fitocracy Goes Freemium, SNAP Hires a CFO, And Tonight’s NYTM Will Be Collegiate By Adrianne Jeffries
Lerer Ventures Moves Out of Betaworks to Shack Up With Portfolio Companies in Soho By Adrianne Jeffries