New Yorkers Claim Their Catchphrases Inspired by the ado over Barack Obama’s use of Deval Patrick’s phrasing, and similar use by Hillary Clinton of at By Azi Paybarah
The Bloomberg Trend and the Undecideds Michael Bloomberg is going to the expense of conducting national polls, but a reader suggested that the fiscally conservative mayor By Azi Paybarah
The ‘Don’t Knows’ Speak Up About Spitzer Brian Ziff-Levine, a reader who is way more technologically capable than I am, made the above graph out of the By Azi Paybarah
Laundry-Folding Robots Are Finally Here—and They’re Backed by Jeff Bezos and OpenAI By Alexandra Tremayne-Pengelly
Dominic Chambers’ Debut Solo Show in London Explores the Poetic Dimensions of Reality By Elisa Carollo