The New Republic Launches In-House Native Advertising Studio The new New Republic is launching an in-house native advertising division called Novel. By Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke
Tabs Intern Bijan Stephen Hired By The Newest Republic The new New Republic continues to take shape after what we can only hope is the most written about magazine reinvention in history. By Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke
The New New Republic Takes Shape We knew we wouldn't make it to the end of the year without some more news about The New Republic. By Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke
On Headlines, or ‘Monica Lewinsky Boyfriend: My Date With Bill Clinton’s Blow Job Intern’ By Zeke Turner
Gawker’s Alex Pareene Nearly Quits, Goes ‘Part Time’ Instead; Gawker Media Lays Off Some in Tech Department By John Koblin