‘Scott Pilgrim Takes Off’ Review: Animated Series Levels Up With New Perspectives The Netflix series 'Scott Pilgrim Takes Off' recaptures the punch and pathos of the original work without simply retreading it. By Dylan Roth
Toward a Film Canon, One Tweet at a Time What does the history of cinema look like to Film Twitter? Well, for one thing, 'The Thing' beats out 'E.T' and 'Blade Runner.' By Dylan Roth
What to Watch on Streaming This Week: July 1-7 This week's biggest title is the season finale of 'Stranger Things,' along with recent movies like 'House of Gucci' and 'Last Night in Soho.' By Laura Babiak
‘Last Night in Soho’ Co-Writer Identifies the True Horrors of the Psychological Thriller By Emily Zemler
Much of Edgar Wright’s Overwrought ‘Last Night in Soho’ Could Be Deleted At No Cost to the Narrative By Rex Reed