In Art Recovery, Cash May Be the Deciding Factor While most art is stolen from museums, rather than from private homes, private art collectors shouldn’t be complacent. By Daniel Grant
FSA to Announce New Libor Plan; Ex-Credit Suisse CDO Chief to Fight Extradition: Roundup The British Financial Services Authority is wresting oversight of the London interbank lending rate from the British Bankers Association as By Patrick Clark
RBS Libor Rigging May Have Extended Beyond Fired Traders; Smith Barney Brand Too Old Fashioned For This World: Roundup Royal Bank of Scotland managers and traders routinely sought to influence interbank lending rates between 2007 and 2010, and the By Patrick Clark
Former Gov. Pawlenty Puts Snout in Wall Street Trough; Senate Holds HFT Hearings: Roundup By Patrick Clark
Critics of High-Frequency Trading Take to Capitol Hill; Hedge Funder Asks, ‘What’s Wrong With Nimbyism?’ Roundup By Patrick Clark