Ghostery Democratizes Tool to ‘Make The Web Suck Less’ Small companies now have access to Ghostery data about how badly each piece of tracking software bogs down websites. By Brady Dale
A Marketer’s Dream: Using Mobiles to Connect Commercials to Shopping Do people visit car dealerships after watching a bunch of car ads? Your cell phone's mic and GPS can answer that question. By Brady Dale
Stockholm Startup Acast Solves Podcasters’ Advertising Problem Podcasting's advertising problem has been solved, but the company that has provided the solution, Acast, hasn't arrived in America yet. By Brady Dale
Startup News: Bat Haus Brings Coworking to Bushwick and Tech Launch Announces its Inaugural Class By Erica Schwiegershausen
New York Start-up Finds a Way to Help Advertisers Stop Using Cookies. Millions in Venture Capital Follow. By Nitasha Tiku