Companies Cash in on XpresSpa Customer Base: The Bored, Stressed and Trapped So what other public spaces might try using retail outlets as a way of diverting an otherwise bored and frustrated population? By Lisa Schmeiser
Why Banning Laptops From Airplane Cabins Doesn’t Make Sense The U.S. is considering expanding a ban it imposed in March on several Middle Eastern countries to all flights from Europe. A close look suggests the meager benefits just aren't worth the high costs. By Cassandra Burke Robertson and Irina D. Manta
15 Years After 9/11, an Obvious Way to Make Air Travel Safer The TSA and FAA have instituted many bans and security measures, but more still needs to be done. By John Bonazzo
The Time Boardwalk Empire’s Terence Winter Almost Went to Jail for Smuggling a Toy Gun on a Plane By Matt Chaban