Why the Netflix Short ‘Canvas’ Is a Personal Look at Loss and Love Animation director Frank E. Abney III opened up about his film Canvas and the potency of animation to tell powerful stories. By Carolyn Hinds
The Diaspora Team Branches Out to Build Photo Remixing Tool Makr.io After the tragic loss of one of its core members, the team behind Diaspora–a Y-Combinator-backed open source “anti-social network”–went underground By Jessica Roy
Startup News: Let’s Launch the Summer with a New York Tech Meetup and Loads of New Features MEET ‘N GREET Monday, June 5, is this month’s New York Tech Meetup. Presenters range from Fitocracy to Loosecubes. If you haven’t By Kelly Faircloth
Start-Up News: SalesCrunch Connects, TweePLayer Twees Off, Moot Mingles, and More By Adrianne Jeffries