Instagram Bans Influencers From Promoting Vaping Products The decision has been a long time coming. By Gabriela Barkho
Juul Is Now Valued at $19 Billion, Down From $38 Billion a Year Ago CFO Guy Cartwright cited the halted sales of flavored Juul pods as a factor. By Gabriela Barkho
CDC Says No Single Brand Is to Blame for ‘Vape Lung’ Crisis The CDC named multiple brands containing THC as harmful. By Gabriela Barkho
It May Actually Be Good That E-Cigs Are More Addictive Than Tobacco—But Juul Ruined It By Chris Roberts
New Data Suggests Additive in Illegal Cannabis Vapes Is Behind Outbreak of Lung Injuries By Chris Roberts
Hot Air: Democrats Work With Big Tobacco and Big Pharma to Choke the Vaping Industry By Monica Showalter