Making Flexible Electronics With Nanowire Networks If we're ever to have flexible smartphones and mass-produced e-paper, we'll need to invent a new material – one that's flexible, durable, clear, electrically responsive and lightweight. By Peter Byrley
Hacker Proves E-Paper’s Potential Has Been Wasted Waste a little less time checking your phone with this (not exactly simple) hack. By Brady Dale
LG Producing New Flexible Electronic Paper What if you could fold up your Kindle and stick it in a coat pocket like you do with a By Steve Huff
Marina Abramović Blessed Fernando Romero’s Reopening of Barragán’s La Cuadra San Cristóbal By Elisa Carollo
Uber CEO Hopes to Attract Tesla as a Self-Driving Partner Using His ‘Charm’ By Alexandra Tremayne-Pengelly