Gautam Adani Loses His Title as Asia’s Richest Person After Hindenburg Report Gautam Adani, previously the world's third richest person, has fallen from the top 10 billionaire list in the matter of a few days. By Alexandra Tremayne-Pengelly
2022 Has Been the Worst Year for Billionaires As "summer camp for billionaires" starts in Sun Valley, inflation and a plummeting stock market have pummeled attendees holdings, creating the worst six month period for billionaires ever recorded. By James Ledbetter
500 People Became Billionaires In 2020 As Millions of Americans Went Broke Jeff Bezos claimed the world's richest man title for the fourth year in a row. By Sissi Cao
Actually, the Upper East Side Is Probably Not the Nation’s Priciest ZIP Code By Matt Chaban and Kim Velsey