Hacked in Honor of Aaron Swartz, Allegedly by LulzSec Hackers have defaced the website in response to the death of Internet activist Aaron Swartz, who was being prosecuted By Jessica Roy
LulzSec Hacker Found Out His Ass Wasn’t Hidden LulzSec’s Raynaldo Rivera has confessed to hacking Sony Pictures via SQL Injection in 2011. The hacker formerly known as “neuron,” By Steve Huff
Hacked Apple Device IDs Actually Came From App Developer, not FBI NBC News is reporting the millions of Apple Unique Device Identifiers (UDID) hackers say they snatched from an FBI agent’s laptop By Steve Huff
Anonymous-Associated Antisec Hackers Claim Theft of 1 Million Apple Device IDs From FBI Agent’s Computer By Steve Huff
New Hackers ‘The Consortium’ Introduce Themselves With Hack of Porn Site Digital Playground By Steve Huff
LulzSec Leader Sabu ‘Literally Worked Around the Clock’ To Snitch On His Fellow Hackers By Nitasha Tiku
Anonymous Isn’t Happy LulzSec Leader Sabu Snitched to the FBI: ‘We Were Your Family Too’ By Nitasha Tiku
International Raid on LulzSec Facilitated By the Group’s Leader, Working from the Projects on the LES By Nitasha Tiku
Pastebin, Website Popular with Anonymous and LulzSec, Now Being Used by Occupy Wall Street By Nitasha Tiku
Rumors & Acquisitions:, Still; TechStars, Again; and Competition for Our Heroes By Adrianne Jeffries