Why Banning Cashless Is Baseless Delaying progress out of irrational fears will only hurt us in the end. By Janson Prieb
Will WhatsApp Be the Death of Venmo? How Facebook Plans to Monetize the Messaging Giant Since plunking down $22 billion for the messaging app in 2014, Facebook has has yet to monetize the tool. By Chris Roberts
Google Pairs Facial Recognition With Location Tracking to Make Payments Quicker Mountain View experiments with a new incentive for users to let the company track where they go. By Brady Dale
Best Tech Events This Week (AppHack, Refest Art+Tech Festival, Mobile Payments, NYC Gaming, UX for Internet of Things) By Gary Sharma
Venmo Touch From Braintree Lets You Pay Across Multiple Apps Without Entering Your Credit Card By Nitasha Tiku
Retailers Like Walmart, Target, and Best Buy Band Together to Create Yet Another Mobile Payments App By Nitasha Tiku