$500M of Digital Coins Stolen on Japan’s Largest Crypto Exchange Government actions following the incident will be key to predicting where Bitcoin is going. By Sissi Cao
Bitcoin Can Be a Legitimate Currency Things are not as bad as they seem in the world of cryptocurrency. By John Bonazzo
New York Stock Exchange Finally Creates Bitcoin Index This morning, New York Stock Exchange President Tom Farley introduced a new bitcoin pricing index, which the august institution hopes will be the ultimate authority on digital currency. By John Bonazzo
Booting Up: Does Your Smart TV Work? Have You Tried Connecting It to the Internet? By Kelly Faircloth
Bored With Bitcoin? BitInstant Is About to Goose the Market By Making Trading Faster By Adrianne Jeffries
Bad Days for Bitcoin: Trading Around $14 After Epic Hack, and Shunned by the EFF By Adrianne Jeffries