Sleepy Hollow has always suffered a little bit from a "Now what?" problem. Over the past two seasons, the hour-long horror-comedy on Fox has remained a faithful descendant of the Whedon-y world of Buffy, even while maintaining its own voice and historically nerdy bent. (I like to imagine that Sleepy Hollow and Buffy, anthropormisieed as teenagers, would sit next to each other in their AP classes and pass funny notes.) And just like Buffy killed the Master after season 1 and returned, bloody but unbeaten, back to prom, Sleepy Hollow's finale seemed to have neatly sewn up all the loose threads dangling from the Headless Horseman mythology. Moloch, the apocalyptic harbinger, was destroyed. Henry Parish, Ichabod's secret son that was older than his dad and played by that guy from Fringe, was likewise dispatched, as was Ichabod's Melissandre of a wife, Katrina. Without his son or soulmate to work towards, there wasn't much for Ichabod to stick around town for, especially since his and Abbie's adorable BFF team-up was part of a now-completed prophesy of bearing witness.