Trump Administration Buries Studies Proving Effects of Climate Change As far as climate change goes, the ethos of the Trump White House has been: out of sight, out of mind. By Harmon Leon
Increasing Electric Scooter Injuries Are a Cause for Concern, Study Shows E-scooters have caused thousands of injuries in the past decade. By Gabriela Barkho
For a More Productive Workforce, We Need to Change Our Sleeping Habits "In sleep, as in so many other areas of American life, you are more likely to get the short end of the stick if you are not well-off, white or male." By Lisa Schmeiser
Fabricated Data in Study About Attitudes on Same-Sex Marriage Fooled Everyone By Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke
Shocking Study Finds Hackers Are ‘Antisocial Man-Children Who Live In Their Parents’ Basements’ By Jessica Roy
Study: Investment Banking is Bad for You, Will Make You An Alcoholic Adderall-Addicted Paranoid Shell of a Human Being By Foster Kamer