Q & A: Eliot Spitzer Rates the Ratings Agencies In this week’s issue of The Observer, we took a look at the ratings rage caused by the recent Standard and By Foster Kamer
New Plane With Banner Flies Over Manhattan: ‘Downgrade Hurts USD Not Ruble Always Be Frugal’ (UPDATED) We recently chronicled the excitement that is a plane flying over Manhattan with a message flying behind it, directed towards By Foster Kamer
Single Mother from St. Louis Flying Banner Over Lower Manhattan: ‘Thanks For The Downgrade. You Should All Be Fired.’ (UPDATED) Originally spotted on Twitter by American Banker, someone paid for an airplane to fly around Manhattan—reportedly near the Standard & By Foster Kamer
U.S. Government Reportedly Bracing for S & P Downgrade That Reportedly Won’t Happen Today By Foster Kamer