Morning Media Mix: Sifty Takes Over ‘Food’ at the Times The New York Times is renaming its Dining section "Food," and it will be headed by former restaurant critic and senior editor Sam Sifton. By Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke
The Baffler Partners with MIT, Hires MIT Hacker Aaron Swartz Fans of The Baffler are a skeptical bunch, so they knew better than to get their hopes up in March, By admin
The Baffler Is in the Mail It’s back. Publisher Conor O’Neil told the Chicago Reader that a new issue of the contrarian, left-wing journal of business By Reid Pillifant
Baffler Buddies Frank, Perlstein, Vanderbilt, and Weiland Write Books, Make It Interesting; Steaks at Stake By Leon Neyfakh