The Times Got Jonah Lehrer’s Book Proposal, But Won’t Tell Andrew Wylie Where Jonah Lehrer, the New Yorker reporter who was fired after an an investigation revealed that he had plagiarized and fabricated quotes, is making a By Peter Sterne
Authors Guild on Odyssey Editions: ‘Weird’ The Authors Guild weighed in today on Odyssey Editions, the Wylie Agency-Amazon imprint set to release e-books independent of traditional By Molly Fischer
Random House Retaliates Against Wylie Publishers have responded to Andrew Wylie’s plans to sell ebook editions of classic titles exclusively through Amazon: They are not pleased. By Molly Fischer
One Night Only! Scott Moyers, Literary Agent, Returns to His Editorial Roots Tonight at McNally Jackson By Leon Neyfakh
Huge Book Deal From Random House for Jon-Jon Goulian, Manliest Bad Boy in New York Publishing By Leon Neyfakh